Friday, November 6, 2009

Zoey singing Twinkle Twinkle Little Star

Zoey has begun singing. The only way I can tell is that she gets quite, and talks in a super high pitched voice. Here is a video that sort of demonstrates what she is doing. It is silly cute!!

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Happy Halloween!

Well Zoey was protesting her Princess Leia Costume so for a Kitty. First we went to Bonnie Springs which is a little petting Zoo near Red Rock and then we went trunk or treating at the Church near Paul's Parents. It was nice they had little games and a jump house and then you went trick or treating in the parking lot. Sounded a little scary to me. I mean anything that involves trunks and small children sounds fishy to me but to my surprise it was safe and well lit. We hope you all had a great Halloween.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

The Potty

Well just to let you all know. Zoey finally went Poop on the potty. I didn' think that I ever write those words but we are super stoked. Not to say that the official training has begun but she sits on the potty at least once a day now. Yeah for Zoey!! Well and for us too of course!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Zoey at the Lied Discovery Museum

Today Heather and Zoey took a trip to the Lied Discovery Museum From the picture, it is easy to see that it was all fun and games!

Friday, October 2, 2009

Off to the circus!

Well we have determined that Zo just might be a little dare devil just like her mom. I have jumped down from two story Barns into sheep wool (age 8), out of planes, climbed narrow ledges, ridden the fastest highest roller coasters in the world and many other things that could have resulted in death (we'll spare those details for my mom). Zoey was ready to get on all of the rides at the circus circus. One tiny problem she's 1 1/2 and 30". So for now she"ll have to settle for the clown car.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Super Cheese

We just got back from a trip to Michigan, for a wedding. From the look on Zoey's face, you can tell she was having fun! This was taken just before she started to "dance" to Michael Jackson's old music. When I say dance, I really mean, spin around and then pause, crouch down, then jump as hard as she can, getting about 1-2 inches off the ground. There was the occasional slip and fall, but that just made her happier! I am glad she got her awesome dance moves from her dad! It's all good! :)

Thursday, September 24, 2009

20 month old pictures

Back in Las Vegas

It has been a while but we have been very busy. We just got back from Michigan and had a good time, but are happy to be back in Las Vegas. Here are some pictures that I think you all might like.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

So long, farewell.

Most of you know our roomate Deb! She's embarking on a
6 month journey to Idaho to be with Family. We wish her well on her adventure! She was a wonderful help to us all. As you can see she and Zo got along famously. Sitting on their exercise balls together was not the only thing Zoey did to show her admiration. She could often be observed putting on lipstuff(or bips as she calls it), sporting Deb's jewelry, hats or anything else that she could find. Anything Deb she was all about! Well we sure will miss her and look forward to her return to Vegas. Thanks Deb! We all love you and hope that you know that we are here for you if you need anything :)
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Thursday, July 23, 2009

Zoey Swims 2009

Well today was our last day for swimming lessons. Zoey really seemed to enjoy her time with Miss Lisa. Much to my surprise they got her to wear googles and flippers! Well the flippers I'm not that shocked about since the kid is addicted to shoes for the moment but the goggles definitely. Here's a great picture of her underwater holding her breathe and everything. Hopefully we can keep up with the blog better in the coming months. Stay tuned. Love to all!

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Hide and Peek

Zoey's new game is playing hiding and peek with us. We love playing with her she's so animated now. Her little personality is really starting to show.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Easter Wishes

I'm sure most of you have seen early pictures of our sweet little niece Isabella aka Izzy but here is their Easter picture from this year. We hope that Izzy and Zoey become good friends not just family. We hope you all had a great Easter. Lots of Love. The Blonskys

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Sneak a Peek

Well Zo decided that she needed to have a peek of Daddy's desk. So she climbed on the plant table to check it out! What did she find but some tasty M&M's. Sneaky little girl.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Every Little Step She Takes

Well as most of you might know our little Zoey is in the toddling stage of life right now and I must admit it's harder than I could have imagined for me. With every little step she takes I have two feelings one is to be proud at how far she has come and the next is horror at what bump bruise or gash will come next! She has definitely inherited a few of my traits one is clumsiness and another is instant anger in the face of pain. I never thought that I would be the mother to shriek in horror every time my child falls. It's a pain I never thought that I could experience. Well lets just say I was wrong!! She took a head dive into a corner of a table the other day as she casually walked by her favorite dog food dish. As I picked her up all I could think is which hospital should I take her to and should I wait for Paul to get home. I'm not sure how we escaped that with an indent in her eyebrow and a fish flopping tantrum but we did. Now everyday she takes these spills and I try to watch with an observant eye but my whole body just tenses up as I she her take a nose dive into the Ottoman or a slip and fall from her favorite puddle of dog dish water and before I know it I let out a gasp and she's crying, bleeding or bruised. Now every mother assures me that she'll be just fine. At this point I'm not sure how many head traumas she can endure or how many near heart attacks I can handle. We are looking into a few options at this point. One is a helmet (with a face guard of course you know like a hockey helmet), a baby bubble or just invest in whole house padding. What do you think?

Thursday, February 19, 2009

15 minutes of fame...

Here is the commercial that Zoey and Heather did a few months ago.

Video can be found at:

Friday, January 30, 2009

Crafty Critter

I'm not sure how well many of you know me. I'm an exotic blend of many talents. None the less this was my week to let Martha out to do some crafty time. I decided that I wanted to redecorate Zo's room in little Stick figure Princess Fairies and Butterflies. Very Girlie! So we have these great wall stickers to help dress up her tan walls and I decided that I would make a mobile for her to look at during changing time. It turned out pretty cute although it took a lot more time than I thought it would. I know I can shock and amaze you all at times!

That's not oreo cookie on your face. Is it?

Well I figure that the best way for Zoey to learn those life lessons is to dive in head first. Of course within reason that is. How does that ole' saying go..... "A little dirt never hurt." I guess that's what was going through Zoey's little head at the time too. She discovered that dirt might not hurt but it sure didn't taste that great either! Yuck!

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Thanks all around!

Well we've made it back from our month long trip to Michigan. W e had such a great time and enjoyed visiting with everyone. Thanks to everyone for making our trip so enjoyable. Especially my Mom and Ed they were so generous to put up with us that long! Although we were sad to leave our loved ones we are relieved to be home!