Wow. Zoey. Stop growing. Just a short 30 weeks ago, you had no idea who we are; you never smelled food, saw color or even made a peep. Now, just 210 days later you know when I get home, when Mommy is making a bottle for you, scream when you drop your favorite toy, put anything and everything in your mouth. You even prefer things. You love eating your feet, smiling at anyone who looks at you and cry when we both leave your sight. You can even tell the difference between the dogs, you look at birds above your bed, and even get happy when I say the word "bath".
Amazing, simply amazing. You even know when things have gone out of style. We used to play a game every time you woke up. I would hold you up and have you touch your mobile above your changing table. You loved it. You would smile; struggle to grab the brightly colored paper cutouts of bottles, bibs and pacifiers. Each time you reached out, you would get better and better, grabbing something faster each time. Today, you stopped. I held you up, and you smiled, looked at the mobile and then looked at me, with a look in your eye, like you wanted to say "come on Dad, that was so 24 hours ago".
Today I realized that we are going to be in trouble, big trouble. You, Zoey will be strong willed, making up your mind and taking after Mommy, being stubborn with your decisions and never yielding to what you don’t want or like. I for one, think this is great, but man are we in for some trouble. Trouble I tell you.
Well not only does our little darling have my strong will she has my lovely little temper too! Oh my poor Paulie!
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