Here is the footage we took. Crazy stuff.
and another
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Zoey's first Trip to Mt Charleston!
Yesterday was a very eventful and tragic day. I thought it would be a great idea to get out of town and enjoy the scenic views and cool climate of Mt Charleston. Well little did we know that Zoey's first trip to the mountains would be so frightening! We decided to grab a bite to eat at The Lodge and enjoy the beautiful 80 degree weather. We were just finishing up lunch and commenting how great Zoey was all through lunch when we heard this little plane buzz by the lodge. We didn't really think much of it because there are always tourist planes in the area. All of the sudden there was an explosion and people were screaming to call 911! We jumped up to see what had happened and saw the billowing smoke coming from Mary Jane Falls. We immediately abandoned our plans of going for a leisurely stroll and got the heck out of there. Not knowing where the plane had crashed or how fast the fire would spread we decided that it would be a good idea to leave and not be stuck up there or worse! We drove down to the bottom of the mountain and pulled over at a rest stop to feed Zoey before getting back on the road. There must have been a hundred rescue vehicles passing by so we decided we had better get on the road. Well so far they know that there were 4 people aboard and no one survived. They were on their way to Byron California from the North Las Vegas Airport. The plane has started a 12 acre forest fire and the subdivision near by has been evacuated. They are hoping to have the fire contained by 6pm this evening as long at the winds don't kick up!
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Zoey's First Bite
Well I have had so many requests for the video of Zoey's first bite that I just had to put it up! Up next will be Zoey and the Johnny Jumper. Enjoy!
Monday, June 23, 2008
Mikie Likes it!
Well Mikie might have liked it (it being solid foods) but on the first pass Zoey didn't. Now when we are talking solid food you may think Mmmmm maybe some green beans cut up or maybe even a steak. Nooooo not even close! She got mushed up rice cereal with some milk mixed in! It reminds me of fish flakes or those instant mashed potatoes. Well whatever it was she didn't like it. She went from toothless grin to grimaced face of disgust! Pretty much what went in came immediately back out. I'm not sure I blame her! We got a video and many pictures of the event! Here's a great one of her in action!
Friday, June 20, 2008
Orchard Adventures
Zoey and I enjoyed our Friday outing maybe not as much as being tossed off a building (Thanks for the insightful and cultural post Paul)but hey we still had a good time! We went to Gilcreas Orchard to pick some Zuchinni, Apricots and Apples with our friends Maddie and Charlotte. We had a great time even thought it was 104 degrees today! We all can't wait to go back again in a few weeks! The next time we go there should be a lot more to pick. It's still pretty early for most of the stuff! After our orchard adventure we stopped by the pottery studio that I used to throw at. It's totally changed. They remodeled the whole studio and built a huge wood fire kiln! I was so inspired to go back! I think maybe sometime this summer I might give it another try! I'll let you know how it goes! I've included a picture of Zoey taking care of some of the fruits and veggies that we picked!
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Trust me with a baby?
Yesterday at work, I decided to do a bit of rearranging. We received a few new pieces of equipment, expensive, delicate equipment. A few new monitors, a 42-inch plasma monitor, a new Mac pro, a new switcher, and a few other smaller items. The inventory people were supposed to come and tag all the new stuff, so I wanted the room to look good. I unpacked the equipment and put things where they were supposed to be. The monitor did not have a stand, so I decided to use the box it came with, not the entire box, just the bottom part, with the foam and cardboard. That should do it, right? Wrong. The now extremely heavy and large flat panel took on a mind of its own, did not like where I put it, and wanted to lye down, and it did. It bounced off the metal corner of the stand and then half sliding, half-bouncing to the ground. Surprisingly quite for a 100 pound plus piece of glass and metal. I guess it might have to do with the slow motion effect, when you know you just did something stupid, something you can’t undo.
Nevertheless, this did occur at work, it is not my brand new plasma (and it is still brand new) so I have some comfort in that. It would a scene out of a bad sitcom if it was mine and I tried to return it back to Best Buy. “Well, I just don’t like the way it fits in my house….and the shattered glass just doesn’t go with my décor.”
So how dose this relate to Zoey you ask? Well, I get that feeling that I am about to drop a plasma screen TV on its face almost every time I pick up the little girl. Now I have proven that bad things do happen, I just hope Zoey bounces more and doesn’t break when she slips out of my hands. When you get old enough to read this blog Zoey, please know that I don’t ever want to drop you, but if it happens, I am really sorry, I love you Zoey, after all, you are my bouncing baby girl!
Nevertheless, this did occur at work, it is not my brand new plasma (and it is still brand new) so I have some comfort in that. It would a scene out of a bad sitcom if it was mine and I tried to return it back to Best Buy. “Well, I just don’t like the way it fits in my house….and the shattered glass just doesn’t go with my décor.”
So how dose this relate to Zoey you ask? Well, I get that feeling that I am about to drop a plasma screen TV on its face almost every time I pick up the little girl. Now I have proven that bad things do happen, I just hope Zoey bounces more and doesn’t break when she slips out of my hands. When you get old enough to read this blog Zoey, please know that I don’t ever want to drop you, but if it happens, I am really sorry, I love you Zoey, after all, you are my bouncing baby girl!
Paul Blonsky,
Plasma TV,
Zoey Blonsky
Friday, June 13, 2008
Coochie and Coo and Zoey too!
Well this week has been a fun week!! Zoey and I have been so busy playing and such that I have hardly had the time to write a blog. So it's pretty common for me to hear questions like "Is Zoey rolling over?" or better yet "Is she crawling around yet?" Hopefully not for quite a few months on the latter. I have a lot to get rid of and clean before that. For those of you not up to speed on her progress I'll fill you in on what she is doing and is trying to do. She is able to hold her head up and steady now so that's a step in the right direction. She had to get there before she can do a lot of things like for example eating solid foods like rice cereal. Essentially Mush in a bowl! Sounds yummy huh? We'll see. That's going to happen starting at 6 months (not quite yet). The things she is trying to master right now are laughing(almost there), rolling over from her belly to her back, snatching things from my hand and taking over the world! I used to be able to eat, put on makeup or take a drink all while holding her and she would sit idly by and let me do as I pleased. Now, it's like she is a tiger waiting to catch her prey. She will slowly move her head in the
direction object and then she makes her move to snatch up whatever it is I have. I think this is the first step in her plans to rule the world! Watch out world Zoey's on her way!
direction object and then she makes her move to snatch up whatever it is I have. I think this is the first step in her plans to rule the world! Watch out world Zoey's on her way!
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Cupcakes are just like babies.

Heather made cupcakes yesterday. She was nice enough to make a few extra and leave them at home for dessert. They were the standard cake, narrow body and big on the top, like a muffin slathered with chocolate icing. I carefully took off the greenish-yellow bottom wrapper and placed mine on a small plate. I proceeded to pick it up and carry it into the living room with a glass of milk. As soon as I picked it up the top began to wobble and then tip. I was horrified, what have I done? I should have been more careful. You do not get a second chance at a cupcake.
That is when I realized that my Dad skills come in handy from time to time. I was able to jog my hand down, while leaning right and the cake wobbled back upright with little to no damage. To top it off, the milk that was in my left hand was still in my left hand, a bit shaken, but still there. I think that all the time trying to balance Zoey in one hand and a bottle in the other truly paid off. I am so happy to be a Dad.
Heather Blonsky,
Paul Blonsky,
Friday, June 6, 2008
Sidewalk Chalk, Swings and more!
Well yesterday was an exciting day for us!! We had our little niece Isabella over. She was a little sweetheart! We kept very busy while she was here. I went to the dollar store and loaded up on Sidewalk chalk, Paper & Markers(Ooops they weren't washable! Sorry Tam! Bad Aunt Heather). After Craft time we all went to the park. Isabella sat in the jogging stroller and I carried sleepy little Zoey in the front pack! It was fun. Isabella went down the slide a few times, went on the swing and then we walked around a bit and observed the tennis players. I think Isabella had a great time and Zoey had an even better time napping in the stroller. Isabella walked most of the way back while holding onto some rings I had attached to the stroller (A little trick I learned from John and Kate Plus 8). Then it was time for Izzy to go home!! Here's a nice picture of the cousins. (Oh yeah and Cassie she decided to help!)
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Happy Happy 5 month Birthday Baby!!
Here's a short Video of Miss Zoey Talking away!! She tells a pretty good story!! Happy 5 Month Birthday Zo!
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Swim swim swimmy!
Sunday was the first day that we took Zoey swimming. She really seemed to like it. She was kicking her feet and relaxing in her floaty. Enjoy the video.
Sunday, June 1, 2008
Last Hoorah!
Well this is my last post about our trip! We had to be at the airport about 6am for our 7:20 flight out of Lansing Michigan. My mom and Ed were a huge help in checking us into the airport(Thanks Mom and Ed!). They stayed with us until we were ready to go through security!! It was great! While we were waiting I snapped a nice picture of the three of them!) We'll miss you guys! We had two flights one from Lansing to Minneapolis and one from Minneapolis to Vegas. Zoey was sleeping the entire first flight 1 hour and 15 mins and we scored an extra seat which was awesome! The second flight was 3 hours and she slept 2 hours and only got restless the last 15 mins. So I considered myself lucky!! I know the older she gets the harder it will be to have a peaceful flight! Sorry future flying companions!! We'll see where the next trip takes us!! Maybe New York!
Memorial Day
Memorial Day is always a nice relaxing day. This year my mom, my Aunt Char, Zoey and I went to the cemetery where my grandparents(which Zoey "Cole" is named after.) and my Aunt are buried so we can spruce up their planters. After that we spent some time with our cousins Alizabeth and Alexandra! Zoey has lots of fun! After that we went to my cousin's Mark and Robyn from my Dad's side of the family. They have four kids Ashleigh, Nicole, Cameron and Garret plus two other cousins where there too Shelby and Zane. We took a lot of great picture of all the cousins! Check them out.
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