Yesterday at work, I decided to do a bit of rearranging. We received a few new pieces of equipment, expensive, delicate equipment. A few new monitors, a 42-inch plasma monitor, a new Mac pro, a new switcher, and a few other smaller items. The inventory people were supposed to come and tag all the new stuff, so I wanted the room to look good. I unpacked the equipment and put things where they were supposed to be. The monitor did not have a stand, so I decided to use the box it came with, not the entire box, just the bottom part, with the foam and cardboard. That should do it, right? Wrong. The now extremely heavy and large flat panel took on a mind of its own, did not like where I put it, and wanted to lye down, and it did. It bounced off the metal corner of the stand and then half sliding, half-bouncing to the ground. Surprisingly quite for a 100 pound plus piece of glass and metal. I guess it might have to do with the slow motion effect, when you know you just did something stupid, something you can’t undo.
Nevertheless, this did occur at work, it is not
my brand new plasma (and it is still brand new) so I have some comfort in that. It would a scene out of a bad sitcom if it was mine and I tried to return it back to Best Buy. “Well, I just don’t like the way it fits in my house….and the shattered glass just doesn’t go with my décor.”
So how dose this relate to Zoey you ask? Well, I get that feeling that I am about to drop a plasma screen TV on its face almost every time I pick up the little girl. Now I have proven that bad things do happen, I just hope Zoey bounces more and doesn’t break when she slips out of my hands. When you get old enough to read this blog Zoey, please know that I don’t ever want to drop you, but if it happens, I am really sorry, I love you Zoey, after all, you are my bouncing baby girl!
Holy crap, Paul!! I can't imagine what Judith said about this!!! a way this is just glorious.
Goes right along with your dropping babies vid... sadly this does not look like a stronger TV to me. So much for that theory.
oh my! I didn't realize there was a pic of it! it is really smashed. that's just great.
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