Tuesday, April 29, 2008

36 hours and no sap...

It has been just about 36 hours since the last time I saw my daughter or my wife. I did not think I would miss them, you know, go home crack open a beer and walk around naked. But, that is not fun anymore. I miss the noise, the squeaking, the smelly diapers and the cute smile and flailing arms and legs. Some of them I miss more then others, of course. I never thought I would miss them both as much as I do, I guess little Zoey is getting to my heart. Oh, so sappy.


Dr. Christiana said...


Anonymous said...

you are not sappy, you are paulie. It worked this time. Love, MOM

Anonymous said...

I love it Paul and Heather. This blog is great. I am sorry I have been umder the weather and unable to enjoy your stories. I will make sure I read them all thetime now. Love youguys, MOM