Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Intellectual conversation

For the first time, I talked to Zoey. Now, now, you probably think I am a horrable father, having this thing in the house for over three months and not saying a word to her. But that is not the case. Yesterday, when I got home, I did my usual thing and said hello to Cassie, Cruzer, Heather and Zoey. This time though, Zoey spoke back! I said hello, and she said waaahh, I said Whaaaha and she said Waaahh. Then I said whaooaaa, and she said Weeeaaa. This went back and forth for a good five or six exchanges. Now, I have no idea what I said, or for that matter what she was telling me, but it seemed to be a really funny story, as she could not hold back her smiling and silent laughing.

Next time, I have to record the conversation so I can ask her in a few years what the heck she was talking about.

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