Friday, May 23, 2008

Cuzzy wuzzies and Uncle Troy too!

Wednesday was a super busy day too!! It started off as a pretty cold day so we had to bundle Miss Zoey up but as the day went on we had to take off some layers. We spent the first half of the day helping my mom planting flowers. Well Zoey helped by taking a nap which was pretty helpful! After the flower planting we got cleaned up and went to see my dad AKA Grandpa Bill(To Zoey that is). We took him out to dinner at a little place called the Robins Nest then we took a long drive over to my brother Troy's house to visit him and his kids Ciara and Jacob. Jake didn't want his picture taken but we managed to get one shot that was ok. Hopefully we can get some better ones when they come over to spend the night this weekend!! He's getting to the age that it's more fun to be difficult that to go along with what everyone wants so we'll see!!

1 comment:

Char said...

That big smile is the sweetest!!