Monday, May 5, 2008

Shots and More!

Well I am happy to say that we made it through the check-up/shots. It's a heartbreaking site to see your little one be stabbed in the leg not one, two or even three times but a whopping four times! She got pretty mad after the first two and was kicking and screaming as the nurse was sticking the needles in like she was a voodoo doll. Oh so sad :( I made Paul hold her while all that was going on so I could be the consoler. I'm just too much of a softy to make my poor little one scream like that. Alas it is for her own good! We don't want her to go catchin polio or any of those other crazy things we vaccinate against! Anyways... On to the fun stuff! She was weighed and measured today too. She's 15lbs 1 oz, 25 1/2 inches long and her head circumference was 16 1/4. Now I was a bit worried that my kid had a giant head considering it grew an inch and 1/4 since the last checkup but she falls in the 50th percentile for her age. So it's perfectly normal. Her length and weight both fall in the 75th percentile. Other than we asked the Doc our usual 5 million and 1 questions. For example I asked
" If I bounce Zoey on my knee I'm not going to hurt her or anything am I??" I know what you might be thinking but you don't know the things that people say to you when you have a kid!!! Such as if you bounce her like that her brains might rattle or you're going to hurt her spine or her parts aren't all attached yet so don't do that. It makes you feel like a bad parent!! Like I'm going to give her shaken baby syndrome or something! So I just had to ask the expert! The Doc said of course not bounce away as long as she likes it go for it!! Ha ha I knew I wasn't crazy! Well... maybe not in that particular area anyway :P So I guess that's all the news I have for today!! Maybe tomorrow we'll have a fun video of Miss Zoey!! Till then Good night!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

alright little Zoey! All shot up and good to go!
