Sunday, December 21, 2008

Friday, December 19, 2008

Washin up!

Well I thought that we had ended the battle with the dog food dish and the water! I was wrong. Grandma must have the best dog water in Michigan because Zoey just won't leave those dishes alone! She must be looking for the fountain of youth or something! She loves to dump out the water and then swish her hands through them making the mess even better. Well needless to say Grandmas going to have the cleanest floor in town by the time we leave! At least it's only water!

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Dashing through the snow

Well inspite of the temperature being 25 degrees we bundled up and took Zoey out to enjoy the winter wonderland! We went sledding down the little hill and pulled her around the yard! She thoroughly inspected all the snow. She loved it!

Wearing out Grandma

Well we've been here for 3 and a half days and I think Zoey has already worn grandma out! I came home from the gym to find the two of them like this! We'd better let Grandma rest tomorrow if she's gonna last the rest of the month!

Friday, November 14, 2008

30 seems so old!

Well as most of you know Zoey's Mama has turned 30! As sad as this makes me it is still cause for celebration. I have always enjoyed my birthday and this year was no exception. Paul planned a "surprise" trip to the Grand Canyon. I had never been there so it was a wonderful experience. We stayed on the rim of the canyon in a rustic little cabin that was just yards away from the canyon walking trail. The perfect plan in my opinion!
Now most of you will ask "what did they do with Zoey". Did she go? Did she stay? Now that she has mastered eating and drinking with Cassie and Cruzer (as you'll see from the posted picture)it was tempting to just leave her home. But we decided it was a better idea to take her to Grandma and Grandpa Blonsky's house. They all had a blast together!

Friday, October 17, 2008

Teaching the new Dog tricks!

Well one more thing to add to the list of accomplishments for our little Lala! Although she didn't come up with this one on her own she had some lessons from her ole pal Cassie. She's started carrying her toys in her mouth while she's crawling. I wonder what Cassie will teach her next?

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Steal of a Deal

Well Zoey and I scored a fantastic deal on plane tickets ($65 round trip)so we are headed off to Michigan tonight! So this will be her 3rd trip there this year. Of course we will be as busy as ever so we'll have lots of new stories to tell! Hopefully something a bit more exciting that what we have been up to lately! Stay tuned!

Sunday, October 5, 2008

My Favorite thing...

Well I have decided that I am officially in love with that little girl we call Lala Zo Monster! Yesterday was the sweetest moment ever. Paul,Michael(Paul's Brother), Tami(Paul's Sister), Rob(Tami's Husband) and I decided that we needed dinner out as adults so we took Zoey and Isabella to the grandparents. When we came back Tami beat us there and was holding Zoey. She had some tears on her face and she didn't look very happy! Well as soon as she saw me and I said hi to her she lit up like a Christmas tree and her arms were flapping up and down and her feet were kicking!! It made my heart melt!! Everyone together now... Aaawwwwe. It's nice to know you are appreciated sometimes!

Monday, September 29, 2008

My Daddy's gonna be president!!

The race.

Click on words The Race and you can see the great commercial for Paul's Presidential Campaign.

Friday, September 26, 2008

Zoey Cole aka Lala

Well since Zoey was born I don't know if she's been called by her given name since. We've come up with several knick names for her. For example Monster, Zozo, Monkey and many others. The latest is Lala. As most proud parents go you come to realize that your child may just be the most genious little one put on this earth! While we have come to realize that Zoey is very intelligent she is also little bit spacey. She will zone out and just stare off into Lala land hence the new name Lala. Hmmmm wonder where she gets that from!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Saving money while raising a child

Well we have found yet another ingenious way to save money raising our little bundle of joy. With the total cost of raising her until the ripe old age of 22 being just over a quarter million dollars. We are hoping to shave off at least $25,000 with the new plan. She sure doesn't seem to mind.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

World cardboard box racing champion

Well I am pretty sure that Zoey has enjoyed her newest adventure with Grandma! They decided that it would be great fun to ride around in a cardboard box. As you can tell Zoey had a great time! I think Grandma had the most fun! Check out the video!

Lala's first tooth!!

Well here is an extreme close up of Lala's first tooth. Man did that take for ever! I can't believe she's been teething for 5 months and that's all we've got! We'll see how long the next one takes!!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Grandma is Here!

Well we had a surprise visit by my mom from Michigan! She got in last night. I am so excited she is here! We are going to have such a wonderful visit!! Zoey was so excited to see her this morning when she woke up! We'll fill you in on our adventures!!

Friday, August 29, 2008

Zoey's 15 minutes of fame

I'm not sure how many of our blog fans know that Zoey and I are famous. Well maybe not quite famous but we are on a website advertisement for the Bottle Genie! It's a bottle holder and it works pretty slick! Check it out! It makes a great gift for any new mom!!

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Grandpa is gone?

Well I took none of my co-workers advice and used a hair product to make me look younger. She told me not to do it, for sure not to do it before an important event like a wedding, and certainly don't do it if they don't have the right color. So later that night, I went to Wal-Mart and bought a chestnut (not the correct color) wash-in hair color, two days before my wife's best friend's wedding. Not a good idea. Long story short, after I put the reddish-brown gel on my grey head, I knew something was wrong. It looked way too red. My white hair was red, well more of a pinkish red to be exact. Good thing it only lasted about a week, just long enough for my Aunts and Uncles, In-Laws, friends, and about 100 other friends to see my new look.

Now that I am back to work, things are normal again, grey haired old man with not a drop of pink in sight.

Friday, August 8, 2008

Michigan Adventures Part II

We made it safe and sound to Michigan! We had a pretty good flight. Zoey made a lot of friends on the plane. She would peak over the seat and gaze at someone until they would acknowledge her and then she would light up at like a ray of sunshine. Her little personality is really starting to blossom! Stay tuned for our second addition of Michigan Adventures.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Leavin on a Jet Plane!

Well for all of you that don't know Zoey and I are off to Michigan for 11 days! I am so excited yet just a little nervous! It's been since May that we were there! Zoey has changed by leaps and bounds since then! Everyone is just gonna love our little giggle monster!! She is getting to be so fun! Stayed tuned for our Michigan adventures!!

Monday, August 4, 2008


Ok, so late last week, Heather decided to come and visit me at work. This is normal and I really enjoy seeing her and Zoey for lunch. We decided to go to the Student Union and say hello to some friends and new co-workers. Heather was waiting online at Starbucks and I was cooing to Zoey in her stroller. A young woman came up to me and smiled, something I have gotten used to, Zoey is super cute and a ham to boot. But what the woman said just made me want to scream. She said "she is so cute, she must be grandpa's little girl" I stopped what I was doing, looked at her, and looked for a few seconds more than a normal gaze. I think she understood her error, but I still said "yes, she is DADDY'S little girl". So I think it might be time for me to shave off my goatee and die my hair black.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

7 Months

Wow. Zoey. Stop growing. Just a short 30 weeks ago, you had no idea who we are; you never smelled food, saw color or even made a peep. Now, just 210 days later you know when I get home, when Mommy is making a bottle for you, scream when you drop your favorite toy, put anything and everything in your mouth. You even prefer things. You love eating your feet, smiling at anyone who looks at you and cry when we both leave your sight. You can even tell the difference between the dogs, you look at birds above your bed, and even get happy when I say the word "bath".

Amazing, simply amazing. You even know when things have gone out of style. We used to play a game every time you woke up. I would hold you up and have you touch your mobile above your changing table. You loved it. You would smile; struggle to grab the brightly colored paper cutouts of bottles, bibs and pacifiers. Each time you reached out, you would get better and better, grabbing something faster each time. Today, you stopped. I held you up, and you smiled, looked at the mobile and then looked at me, with a look in your eye, like you wanted to say "come on Dad, that was so 24 hours ago".

Today I realized that we are going to be in trouble, big trouble. You, Zoey will be strong willed, making up your mind and taking after Mommy, being stubborn with your decisions and never yielding to what you don’t want or like. I for one, think this is great, but man are we in for some trouble. Trouble I tell you.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

The Mad Scientist!

Well this wasn't the best picture out of the group but definitely the most interesting. Little Jensyn looks like her whistle doubles as a brain sucker and Zoey is just going along for the ride. Meanwhile Jensyn has this great look on her face like (in the evil scientist voice) "Ha Ha now I will be the most powerful baby alive!" The girls had a great time together. Zoey seems to be an observer. She just sits quietly and watches her little friends. I think she is going to be just like my Paulie. Sitting back and just taking the world all in! Smart kid!!

Synchronized swimming singles champion!

Well I think that Zoey has figured out another possibility for a career!! Well on second thought I guess there aren't any synchronized singles out there. Oh well I am still pretty amazed at what she's accomplished thus far in her swimming class! So far she has learned how to float (as seen in the picture), kick her feet, splash with her hands, go underwater(and suck up less water) and blow bubbles(oh I guess I do the bubble blowing she just looks at me like I'm Kookoo!)We have two more classes left so I may have some more updates on the champ but we'll see. Stay tuned for our visit with Miss Jensyn!

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

She sleeps like an angel!

Well maybe not quite like an angel but maybe more like a small noisy animal! But none the less!! She sleeps! Plus it will be great footage to show to any future boyfriends!! Sorry Zo

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Miss Hollywood

Watch out Auntie Rachel Zoey is ready for Hollywood!! She's got her shades and she is ready to go!

Zoey's first facial

Well I guess Zoey decided that she had waited long enough for her first facial! Hmmmm I guess she could be onto something. Banana, Rice and Apricot sounds like I nice refreshing combo! I wonder if it has any Anti-aging benefits! I just might have to give it a try!

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Chatterbox Zo

So I'm pretty sure that Zoey is going to be a talker just like me! She chatters nonstop now. I don't know if there will be another moment of silence in our house again! Poor Paul!

Me, My friends and I.

So Zoey has already made some little friends. This picture is of her and her little friend Kayla. As you can see Zoey is a giant next to her even though Zoey is three weeks younger. She went to her 6 month check up yesterday and she is weighing in at a whopping 17lb 15oz. That puts her in the 90th percentile. Meaning that she is heavier than 90% of all of the babies her age! I guess we grow them big. Well back to Zoey’s little friend. This last time we got together was the first time that the girls actually noticed one another. Zoey sat in her exersaucer looking curiously at Kayla and Kayla was much more vocal and definitely excited to have a friend of her very own. It was pretty fun.

She swims like a fish.

Well maybe not quite like a fish but maybe more like a piece of driftwood. Monday was the beginning of the baby and me swim class that I signed Zoey up for. She really seemed to enjoy the class. Well all except for the getting dunked under (I wouldn't call that enjoyment). She did great though and didn't seem to drink too much pool water. Paul took the first class with her while I manned the cameras. Not such a great idea since I forgot the memory for the video camera so we have an ultra short clip of her enjoying her swim.

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Giggly giggly goo!

Well this is the moment that I have been waiting for since the day that Zoey was born!! Watch and see!

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Plane Crash at Mt. Charleston Nevada

Here is the footage we took. Crazy stuff.

and another

Zoey's first Trip to Mt Charleston!

Yesterday was a very eventful and tragic day. I thought it would be a great idea to get out of town and enjoy the scenic views and cool climate of Mt Charleston. Well little did we know that Zoey's first trip to the mountains would be so frightening! We decided to grab a bite to eat at The Lodge and enjoy the beautiful 80 degree weather. We were just finishing up lunch and commenting how great Zoey was all through lunch when we heard this little plane buzz by the lodge. We didn't really think much of it because there are always tourist planes in the area. All of the sudden there was an explosion and people were screaming to call 911! We jumped up to see what had happened and saw the billowing smoke coming from Mary Jane Falls. We immediately abandoned our plans of going for a leisurely stroll and got the heck out of there. Not knowing where the plane had crashed or how fast the fire would spread we decided that it would be a good idea to leave and not be stuck up there or worse! We drove down to the bottom of the mountain and pulled over at a rest stop to feed Zoey before getting back on the road. There must have been a hundred rescue vehicles passing by so we decided we had better get on the road. Well so far they know that there were 4 people aboard and no one survived. They were on their way to Byron California from the North Las Vegas Airport. The plane has started a 12 acre forest fire and the subdivision near by has been evacuated. They are hoping to have the fire contained by 6pm this evening as long at the winds don't kick up!

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Zoey's First Bite

Well I have had so many requests for the video of Zoey's first bite that I just had to put it up! Up next will be Zoey and the Johnny Jumper. Enjoy!

Monday, June 23, 2008

Mikie Likes it!

Well Mikie might have liked it (it being solid foods) but on the first pass Zoey didn't. Now when we are talking solid food you may think Mmmmm maybe some green beans cut up or maybe even a steak. Nooooo not even close! She got mushed up rice cereal with some milk mixed in! It reminds me of fish flakes or those instant mashed potatoes. Well whatever it was she didn't like it. She went from toothless grin to grimaced face of disgust! Pretty much what went in came immediately back out. I'm not sure I blame her! We got a video and many pictures of the event! Here's a great one of her in action!

Friday, June 20, 2008

Orchard Adventures

Zoey and I enjoyed our Friday outing maybe not as much as being tossed off a building (Thanks for the insightful and cultural post Paul)but hey we still had a good time! We went to Gilcreas Orchard to pick some Zuchinni, Apricots and Apples with our friends Maddie and Charlotte. We had a great time even thought it was 104 degrees today! We all can't wait to go back again in a few weeks! The next time we go there should be a lot more to pick. It's still pretty early for most of the stuff! After our orchard adventure we stopped by the pottery studio that I used to throw at. It's totally changed. They remodeled the whole studio and built a huge wood fire kiln! I was so inspired to go back! I think maybe sometime this summer I might give it another try! I'll let you know how it goes! I've included a picture of Zoey taking care of some of the fruits and veggies that we picked!

Dropping Zoey - we put her on the list for this. We can't wait!

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Trust me with a baby?

Yesterday at work, I decided to do a bit of rearranging. We received a few new pieces of equipment, expensive, delicate equipment. A few new monitors, a 42-inch plasma monitor, a new Mac pro, a new switcher, and a few other smaller items. The inventory people were supposed to come and tag all the new stuff, so I wanted the room to look good. I unpacked the equipment and put things where they were supposed to be. The monitor did not have a stand, so I decided to use the box it came with, not the entire box, just the bottom part, with the foam and cardboard. That should do it, right? Wrong. The now extremely heavy and large flat panel took on a mind of its own, did not like where I put it, and wanted to lye down, and it did. It bounced off the metal corner of the stand and then half sliding, half-bouncing to the ground. Surprisingly quite for a 100 pound plus piece of glass and metal. I guess it might have to do with the slow motion effect, when you know you just did something stupid, something you can’t undo.

Nevertheless, this did occur at work, it is not my brand new plasma (and it is still brand new) so I have some comfort in that. It would a scene out of a bad sitcom if it was mine and I tried to return it back to Best Buy. “Well, I just don’t like the way it fits in my house….and the shattered glass just doesn’t go with my décor.”

So how dose this relate to Zoey you ask? Well, I get that feeling that I am about to drop a plasma screen TV on its face almost every time I pick up the little girl. Now I have proven that bad things do happen, I just hope Zoey bounces more and doesn’t break when she slips out of my hands. When you get old enough to read this blog Zoey, please know that I don’t ever want to drop you, but if it happens, I am really sorry, I love you Zoey, after all, you are my bouncing baby girl!

Friday, June 13, 2008

Coochie and Coo and Zoey too!

Well this week has been a fun week!! Zoey and I have been so busy playing and such that I have hardly had the time to write a blog. So it's pretty common for me to hear questions like "Is Zoey rolling over?" or better yet "Is she crawling around yet?" Hopefully not for quite a few months on the latter. I have a lot to get rid of and clean before that. For those of you not up to speed on her progress I'll fill you in on what she is doing and is trying to do. She is able to hold her head up and steady now so that's a step in the right direction. She had to get there before she can do a lot of things like for example eating solid foods like rice cereal. Essentially Mush in a bowl! Sounds yummy huh? We'll see. That's going to happen starting at 6 months (not quite yet). The things she is trying to master right now are laughing(almost there), rolling over from her belly to her back, snatching things from my hand and taking over the world! I used to be able to eat, put on makeup or take a drink all while holding her and she would sit idly by and let me do as I pleased. Now, it's like she is a tiger waiting to catch her prey. She will slowly move her head in the
direction object and then she makes her move to snatch up whatever it is I have. I think this is the first step in her plans to rule the world! Watch out world Zoey's on her way!

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Cupcakes are just like babies.

Heather made cupcakes yesterday. She was nice enough to make a few extra and leave them at home for dessert. They were the standard cake, narrow body and big on the top, like a muffin slathered with chocolate icing. I carefully took off the greenish-yellow bottom wrapper and placed mine on a small plate. I proceeded to pick it up and carry it into the living room with a glass of milk. As soon as I picked it up the top began to wobble and then tip. I was horrified, what have I done? I should have been more careful. You do not get a second chance at a cupcake.

That is when I realized that my Dad skills come in handy from time to time. I was able to jog my hand down, while leaning right and the cake wobbled back upright with little to no damage. To top it off, the milk that was in my left hand was still in my left hand, a bit shaken, but still there. I think that all the time trying to balance Zoey in one hand and a bottle in the other truly paid off. I am so happy to be a Dad.

Friday, June 6, 2008

Sidewalk Chalk, Swings and more!

Well yesterday was an exciting day for us!! We had our little niece Isabella over. She was a little sweetheart! We kept very busy while she was here. I went to the dollar store and loaded up on Sidewalk chalk, Paper & Markers(Ooops they weren't washable! Sorry Tam! Bad Aunt Heather). After Craft time we all went to the park. Isabella sat in the jogging stroller and I carried sleepy little Zoey in the front pack! It was fun. Isabella went down the slide a few times, went on the swing and then we walked around a bit and observed the tennis players. I think Isabella had a great time and Zoey had an even better time napping in the stroller. Isabella walked most of the way back while holding onto some rings I had attached to the stroller (A little trick I learned from John and Kate Plus 8). Then it was time for Izzy to go home!! Here's a nice picture of the cousins. (Oh yeah and Cassie she decided to help!)

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Happy Happy 5 month Birthday Baby!!

Here's a short Video of Miss Zoey Talking away!! She tells a pretty good story!! Happy 5 Month Birthday Zo!

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Swim swim swimmy!

Sunday was the first day that we took Zoey swimming. She really seemed to like it. She was kicking her feet and relaxing in her floaty. Enjoy the video.

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Last Hoorah!

Well this is my last post about our trip! We had to be at the airport about 6am for our 7:20 flight out of Lansing Michigan. My mom and Ed were a huge help in checking us into the airport(Thanks Mom and Ed!). They stayed with us until we were ready to go through security!! It was great! While we were waiting I snapped a nice picture of the three of them!) We'll miss you guys! We had two flights one from Lansing to Minneapolis and one from Minneapolis to Vegas. Zoey was sleeping the entire first flight 1 hour and 15 mins and we scored an extra seat which was awesome! The second flight was 3 hours and she slept 2 hours and only got restless the last 15 mins. So I considered myself lucky!! I know the older she gets the harder it will be to have a peaceful flight! Sorry future flying companions!! We'll see where the next trip takes us!! Maybe New York!

Memorial Day

Memorial Day is always a nice relaxing day. This year my mom, my Aunt Char, Zoey and I went to the cemetery where my grandparents(which Zoey "Cole" is named after.) and my Aunt are buried so we can spruce up their planters. After that we spent some time with our cousins Alizabeth and Alexandra! Zoey has lots of fun! After that we went to my cousin's Mark and Robyn from my Dad's side of the family. They have four kids Ashleigh, Nicole, Cameron and Garret plus two other cousins where there too Shelby and Zane. We took a lot of great picture of all the cousins! Check them out.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Zoey's First BBQ

Well Zoey was a big hit at her first BBQ. Everyone enjoyed meeting her and everyone loves her little cheeks!! For all of you that don't know we have an annual BBQ at my Mom and Ed's House so that we can see everyone. It's really difficult to drive and see everyone that we would like to see. This years turnout was a not up to scratch but I kind of expected that since it was a holiday weekend. Zoey was happy to see everyone that was able to come! Unfortunately Zoey didn't get to taste all of the yummy food! Ciara and I made this amazing peanut butter pudding with Oreo cookie, peanut butter, snickers, cream cheese and chocolate pudding!(MMmmmmm I'm hungry just thinking about it! Although it wasn't too great for the ole diet!) Other than passing Zoey around like she was a thanksgiving side dish we watched all of the crazy kids swim!! It was only 76 degrees in the pool a bit too cool for my taste but they sure didn't seem to mind! Well only two more blogs about the rest of our trip and you'll be all caught up on our adventures in Michigan! I've included a few pictures of family and friends that met Miss Zoey. The first two pictures are some of my first cousins on my mom's side, then my Aunt Betty on my dad's side, the next is my best friend's Dad(Buzz), then my brother Jason's girlfriend Debbie and then my middle brother Jason (See any resemblance) Well that's all for today! Stay tuned for Memorial day!!

Cuzzie Wuzzies II

So Saturday went well for all of us! Like I said in the last post my niece and nephew were going to spend the night. We spent the majority of the day outside trying to finish up some last minute things before the BBQ on Sunday. The kids were so helpful! Ciara mowed my parents very large lawn while Jake, Zoey and I did some gardening! It was great! Other than working all day the kids and I took a 3.5 mile walk down the road. Zoey stayed home with Grandma and Grandpa and took a nap. After that we all took a ride into town to see the Vietnam memorial traveling wall. A replica of the original wall in Washington DC. It was pretty amazing! Zoey really seemed to enjoy her cousins visit! Here are a couple of pictures of them!

Saturday, May 24, 2008

The Visit!

Well our vacation is coming to an end. Everyday has been adventure packed and Friday was no exception! Paul's Aunt Sandy and Uncle Paul took the scenic drive from Ann Arbor Michigan to Olivet Michigan to see Zoey and I. It was a wonderful visit we caught up on the happenings in our lives and then when Zoey woke up she was the entertainment for the rest of the time. Aunt Sandy really seemed to enjoy Zoey's Coos, grunts and smiles. Not only do I see a lot of resemblance between Paul and Zoey physically but personality wise as well! Now I'm sure you are all wondering how I can tell at 4 months that Zoey is gonna be her Daddy's mini me but I can just see it in her smile! She is a happy go lucky kind of kid!! Just like my Paulie!! One of the many reasons I feel in love with him! After our visit with Aunt Sandy and Uncle Paul we all took a little rest and then my mom and I took Zoey shopping to get ready for our BBQ on Sunday! Well today should be an interesting day my niece and nephew Ciara and Jake are spending the night so I am sure we will have some stories to tell about that !)

Friday, May 23, 2008

Cuzzy wuzzies and Uncle Troy too!

Wednesday was a super busy day too!! It started off as a pretty cold day so we had to bundle Miss Zoey up but as the day went on we had to take off some layers. We spent the first half of the day helping my mom planting flowers. Well Zoey helped by taking a nap which was pretty helpful! After the flower planting we got cleaned up and went to see my dad AKA Grandpa Bill(To Zoey that is). We took him out to dinner at a little place called the Robins Nest then we took a long drive over to my brother Troy's house to visit him and his kids Ciara and Jacob. Jake didn't want his picture taken but we managed to get one shot that was ok. Hopefully we can get some better ones when they come over to spend the night this weekend!! He's getting to the age that it's more fun to be difficult that to go along with what everyone wants so we'll see!!

It's raining it's pouring it's showers Adoring

So Sunday was another happy day for little miss Zo and I! My Mom and my best friend Jenna threw us a welcome home Zoey shower. We are so blessed to have so many people shower us with love and such beautiful gifts!! I think Zoey is going to be the best dressed baby in Las Vegas! It was so wonderful that so many people got to finally meet Zoey. She was passed around from person to person with hugs and kisses from all! We are such lucky girls to have such wonderful people in our life! I've included a few pictures from the shower!! Stay tuned for our next blog about "Zoey meets the cousins and Uncle Troy"

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

empty space...covered in babyiness

Oh my, the stuff. The baby stuff. Everywhere. Colored tent with no sides, swingy seat, Bumbo, squeaky toys, battery operated fuzzy toys, toys for biting and bending, pajamas, coats, socks that do and don’t look like shoes, amusing hats with bunny ears, onesies, twosies, quilts, both store bought and handmade, books - some still in the plastic, rattles, pacifiers, cleaning supplies, lotions, bathtubs, formula, bottles, both small and large, extra diapers — plus of course, there’s the stuff belonging to us that has been displaced or disused as a result of the occupying baby’s needs. It is a scene, man, I can assure you. And there’s not an iota of blame to place on the actual baby; it’s all us. And somehow it fits all in the front room of the house. Heather should never of gone on vacation, she will not like how I redecorated. Perhaps she will think twice before she takes my daughter for two weeks without me.


Well Friday was a crazy busy day!! We spent the day on the road visiting here, there and everywhere. First we went to the Hair Shop to meet with Pat. I have know Pat since I was born! She is one of the few people that has ever done my hair. Zoey was in great spirits and was watching me get my hair cut and dyed. When she decided that she had enough we took her upstairs where she was hypnotized to sleep by the ceiling fan. After a nice long nap I took her out to my Dad’s farm to meet him and My brother Jason's girlfriend Debbie. It was just a quick visit but it went great! My dad had a good time with her but was a little too intimidated to hold her. Maybe next time! After that we drove to Lansing to have dinner with Pat and her husband Bob. From there I left Zoey with my parents to have a girls weekend out with all of my friends from High School! It was a little sad to leave her but we all had a great time and it was a much needed break for me! When I got back home I felt refreshed and ready to play with my sweet little Angel! I have included a picture of our girl’s night out and us thoroughly enjoying it! (After all you must be tired of pictures of my cute kid !)

Zoey's Trip to Michigan

Monday, May 19, 2008

Garage Sale Mania!

Well I know everyone has been patiently awaiting the next post!! Little Zoey and I have been oh so busy so I am going to make a valiant effort to catch you up on the happenings in Michigan. My Mom, Great Aunt Charlotte, Zoey and I went to the City wide garage sales in Charlotte on Thursday. Now some people may scoff at the thought of their child wearing second hand clothes but it's my favorite thing to do! I am pretty particular about the things I buy so people don't know unless you tell them! I absolutely love a good deal!! Zoey learned first hand what a shopper her Grandma and Great Aunt can be! We started out at 7:30 am and met up with Zoey and Grandpa Ed at about 11 and continued on until 5pm!! Wow it was a long day to say the least!! I must commend my little daughter!! She was such a little trooper and was very well behaved!! Well now on to the exciting part!! What we bought! The very first garage sale we hit we majorly scored!! This young girl had twin girls and tons of perfect clothes and shoes! Among the deals we scored a pair of pink cowboy boots for a quarter!! Now I thought to myself what girl couldn't use a pair of pink cowboy boots!! I have included a picture of the steal of a deal! Now it will be quite a while until lil Zo will be wearing them for real but I just couldn't resist putting them on and snapping a picture!!

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Dia Uno

Well today was our first day in the big town of Olivet! Zoey and I started off the day bright and early at 10:30am well maybe not so bright and early here but our normal wakeup time at home 7:30am. We headed into town to the restaurant that my mom works at to show off Zoey. Then we went to my best friend Jenna's house to visit! The pictures I have posted here are of her visit the Kingsbury family well all but Shannon! She'll meet him soon! I think that Seth and Blake enjoyed their visit and I know Auntie Jenna definitely did!!

Fantastic Voyage

Well I am excited to report that Zoey and I made it to Michigan with only a few minor setbacks! I am happy to say that Miss Zoey was a well behaved little girl on her very first plan ride! She only fussed a few times and then was fast asleep in her favorite sling. Northwest put a little glitch in my plans for a smooth layover. We were delayed for an hour and a half but other than that it was pretty smooth. The only other thing was my mom and stepdad were a little confused on landing time with the delay but luckily the airport is only a half hour away. We made it to Olivet about 1:30 am. Needless to say we were both spent by the time that we hit the hay at 2:30am. Well with any luck the trip home will be as calm for my lil Zo!!

This could be me....

Man jailed when daughter fails to get diploma

A man ordered by a judge to make sure his daughter hit the books has found himself in jail because she failed to earn a high school equivalency diploma.

Brian Gegner, of Fairfield, was sentenced last week to 180 days in jail for contributing to the unruliness or delinquency of a minor.

He was ordered months ago to make sure his 18-year-old daughter Brittany Gegner, who has a history of truancy, received her GED — something that hasn’t happened yet.

“Brittany is almost 19 years old now and I think it’s unfair to put her father in jail,” said Shana Roach. “She’s an adult now, and it’s not right to rip an innocent man from his home.”

Credit : Dvorak Uncensored and AP

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

A new way to roll

Who thinks we should get this for Zoey?

Credit: Boingboing and Gizmodo

Off to Michigan

Heather and Zoey just took off to Michigan to visit friends and relatives. I am sad, but happy that everybody will see the cutie Zoey. So the blog, hopefully will keep going, I have a few pictures here and there and some stories, but Heather has Zoey and the camera. I doubt most of you want to see pictures of me dressing up Cruzer in little pink bibs, or Cassie in purple and white pants, but it might just come to that. Only time will tell.

Monday, May 12, 2008

Mother of a day...

Yesterday was my first mother's day and it was good. I woke up and hung out near my Mom most of the day. Dad was there too. He is a good guy. He helped me pick out a kick-ass necklace for Mom and helped me wrap it, I picked out the box and tape though. Mom just loved it, it looks like me, but in white gold, she likes white gold. Then we went to my grandma's house. We brought the dogs, Cassie tried to sit on me but Mom helped me. When we got there, I was super tired from the long drive that I had to take a nap for a little bit. My cousin, Izzy woke me up. She is silly and likes to play with my toys too. My Mom took a picture of us playing. My Aunt and Uncle were there too, having fun. After I ate, I went outside and then got tired again and when I woke up I was at home. Now I am writing this. I think I am going somewhere soon, Mom keeps putting my clothes in a bag and then takes them out again, then puts them in again. I am not sure what is going on. I just hope that I can play with my Einstein musical toy today. Now I am hungry and sleepy. I have to go and let Mom know how I feel... Waaaaaaahhhhh....Wahhhhaaaaaahhhh.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Morning Giggle

I think we have rounded a corner. Zoey is 4 months and 4 days old today and I think she has matured more in the last few days then she has…well…ever. When I wake up in the morning I can hear her cooing in her crib, she is awake and waiting for me to come in and get her. She is happy, smiling and content. I have no idea if she has been awake for a few minutes or a few hours, but she is pleased to hang out alone knowing I will be there to pick her up and say good morning to her. She smiles when I come in the room, not just a little smile, but a smile so big and animated that you would think I have been gone for days. She is overjoyed to see me, and can barely hold in her exuberance with the anticipation of being picked up. She squirms, squeaks and kicks her feet so hard, that it makes me laugh. After a few minutes of talking to her and squeezing her, I bring her to Heather, where the entire process is repeated, but it is hard to tell who likes who more, Heather or Zoey! I have to say that Heather is very lucky to have us.

So, I go to work and I can’t stop thinking about the two of them hanging out and building a bond that will last a lifetime. I am jealous…envious too, and I hope that I can share the strong connection that Heather has with Zoey now. I never thought I could love two people as much as I love the two women in my life.